Nikki Schmidt

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Nikki Schmidt

Lead Live Scriber Sweden

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“There’s so much fun things to do – I wish I could clone myself”

Since the beginning of time (Nikkis time that is) she’s been drawing. So naturally, it’s difficult to say how long her experience is in this field. But as a reference she started freelancing as an illustrator in 2012. After a bachelor in Visual Communication she found Live Scribing and fell in love with the craft. To help people understand their purpose, each other and their road ahead. This combines many of her core values – to create an easier and better planet with the help of beautiful imagery.  

She particularly enjoys finding a overarching concept that brings all the loose threads together. And with those threads build the best solution, whether it’s an illustration, an animation or a visual brand. Her work is influenced by her experience as an Art Director where the medium follows the purpose – which makes her art versatile and flexible.

If you want to get a sense of Nikkis personality it helps to think about all things yellow – sunflowers, smileys and citrus fruits.

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